Kumon Shrewsbury

How does Kumon work?

Kumon offers individualised study programmes in maths and English that are tailored to suit a child's needs through daily study and Instructor guidance. Our worksheet-based study programmes have evolved over the course of 60 years, as we’ve learned from our students about how best to help them succeed, build confidence and develop skills that allow them to learn for themselves. Kumon students complete daily Kumon study at home and attend their study centre once or twice a week. The time taken to complete a day’s work may be around 30 minutes per subject, although this study time can vary. When visiting the study centre, students complete their assigned worksheets and are observed and guided by the Instructor and a team of Assistants. Time spent at the study centre allows the Instructor to support your child in their studies and ensure that they are progressing well. Whilst at the study centre, students hand in work that has been completed and marked at home, and collect work for the following days until their next study centre visit.

Kumon worksheets and your Kumon Instructor

When introducing new concepts, the worksheets show example answers, clues and hints to help students work out the correct process independently and then apply this to other similar questions to increase their familiarity. The Instructor does not immediately give their students answers to their questions. Instead they carefully guide students to be aware of the focal points of questions and think about the information that is given in the worksheet, supporting them to be engaged and solve problems by themselves. The study is tailored to your child’s needs and ability by the Kumon Instructor. Starting at a comfortable level and progressing at their own pace, in small manageable steps, they will grow in confidence and develop pace, concentration and rhythm. Once the foundations have been established, the difficulty will increase in small steps that your child will be able to complete independently. This will allow them to enhance their self-learning skills and eventually go on to confidently study work beyond their school grade level.

We place value on children being able to think and learn for themselves

Kumon’s study programmes place great importance on self-learning, encouraging students to discover how to solve problems, how to practise and try things out, and how to use their judgement. We believe that in equipping students to learn proactively, they will develop high academic ability and they’ll have the best chance of pursuing their short and long-term goals and aspirations. Achieving things independently gives students a great sense of accomplishment and enthusiasm for studying. Motivation and self-learning are also important skills they’ll later benefit from at university and into adulthood, where independent study is a requirement and teachers are no longer available to teach them. We want our students to be able to think about the world around them and to be able to live in it with confidence.