Competition Time! Tea History To Tea-Inspired Art

Competition Time! Tea History To Tea-Inspired Art
Competition Time! Tea History To Tea-Inspired Art

Looking for activities for the children to do? It’s competition time! Why not learn more about the history of tea and do some art at the same time? are offering prizes for the best tea-inspired creations – see below for details.

Brits have been drinking tea for over 350 years, but tea has been around a lot longer, and its origins are far from the British Isles. Legend has it that in 2737BCE, Chinese Emperor and renowned herbalist Shen Nung was sitting under a tree while his servant was boiling drinking water. Chinese mythology states that a leaf from a Camellia sinensis, or tea plant, fell into the water and Shen Nung decided to taste the concoction. And so, tea was born.

You can read more about the amazing history of tea on BBC Bitesize and also on the website Or why not learn about tea ceremonies practiced around the world

To celebrate this iconic drink, need your help and there are some fantastic prizes to win! If you are 11 years of age or under, it’s time to get ‘art-tea’ with your tea-inspired creations! Use any media you fancy - it could be a drawing of The Mad Hatter’s tea party; a collage of a tea plant; a Chinese brush painting or even art with actual tea! The more original the better! Then post a picture of your tea-inspired masterpieces on Twitter, tagging @UKTalkingTea (or ask an adult to do it for you). Tell them your name and age and your art will be entered into the competition to win an art set donated by Camellia PLC. Runners up will receive hot chocolate and biscuit goodie bags donated by Bettys & Taylors of Harrogate.

Added By: Shropshire Mums
Added: Fri Apr 3 16:42 2020 (4 years ago)
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