Shropshire School Childrens Primary School Offer Day 2024
Find out everything you need to know including what to do if you don’t get the school you wanted....
Parents of three and four year olds awoke this morning to find the news for which primary school has been offered to their children for academic year beginning September 2024.
On national primary school offer day, all local councils make contact with families and carers to inform them what school their coming of primary school age child has been allocated.
Shropshire County Council Admissions
A statement from Shropshire council reads:
We are really pleased that more than 98% of pupils will be going to their first preference primary school in 2024.
Shropshire Council works hard to ensure that as many children as possible are able to attend their preferred school. Although it isn’t possible in every case, 99.8% of applicants will attend one of their top three preferred schools, and all applicants have been offered a place.
Notably the percentage of on-time applicants who received their first preference is higher than it has been in any of the last ten years. Likewise, the percentage of pupils who received an offer of one of their preferred schools is higher than it has been over the last ten years, which is fantastic news
Statistics for the Shropshire Council area for 2024:
Total number of applications: 2,572
Number allocated their 1st preference: 2,526 (98.2%)
Number allocated their 2nd preference: 37 (1.4%)
Number allocated their 3rd preference: 4 (0.2%)
Number allocated one of their preferred schools: 2,567 (99.8%)
Number allocated an alternative school: 5 (0.2%)
How to accept the offer at a Shropshire school
If the school is in the Shropshire Council local authority area you don’t need to do anything, we assume that you're accepting the place unless you tell us differently. The allocated school will contact you with further information.
How to accept the offer at a non-Shropshire school
If the school offered is in another local authority please contact them as soon as possible, because you might have to accept the offer of a place with the other authority.
To change the school preference or decline an offer
If you've changed your school preferences, or if you've made alternative arrangements and don't want to accept the place at the offered school, please email with the information.
What you can do if you weren't offered your preferred Shropshire school(s)
If you didn't receive an offer of a place at your preferred Shropshire school(s) this is because the school(s) had more applications than there were places available and you didn't rank sufficiently high in terms of over-subscription criteria to be eligible for a place.
Refer to the 'What to do now' documents here for advice on the review process, waiting list and appeals.
If your preferred school(s) is in another local authority please contact them for their advice on what you should do next.
Further information and advice can be found online at
Telford County Council Admissions
Telford & Wrekin also announced 98.7 per cent of children have gained a place at one of their top 3 preference schools, up from 97.5 per cent in 2023.
In Telford and Wrekin, received 2,030 on time applications were received and every applicant who applied on time was offered a school place.
94 per cent of those children gained a place at their first preference school. A further 4 per cent gained a place at their second preference school, with another 1 per cent gaining a place at their third preference school.
We are delighted that over 98% of children have secured a place at one of their preferred primary schools. This means that for the third year running more children in our borough have been offered a place at one of their preferred schools.
We want every child in Telford and Wrekin to have the best start in life; giving access to high-quality education right on their doorstep is essential for this.
This is testament to the council’s significant investment which has been made in recent years to improve facilities within our schools and increase the number of places available. This year will be the first year when children will benefit from the additional 30 reception places at Lawley Village Academy, following the expansion works which will be completed by September.
All applications are made online, and applicants will receive an email by 4pm today (16 April 2024) with the outcome of which school has been offered.
Further information and advice is available online at
BBC Bitesize carries lots of useful help and information for parents and children, info can be found on the below link..
How to apply for a primary school place in the UK - BBC Bitesize
Added: Tue Apr 16 10:34 2024 (8 months ago)
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